Bali is a miracle!

Bali is a miracle! This is a favorite tourist destination of local and foreign tourists. This beautiful island is famous for having beautiful beaches, stunning scenery, interesting souvenirs, as well as the customs and culture of Bali menawan.Sampai currently still the number one tourist destination in Indonesia.

Bali is imipian and ideal destination for those who want a break from the routine of work or the atmosphere of the city. The island is also perfect for enjoying a honeymoon, relax with family or friends.

The total area of ​​Bali Province is 5636.66 km or 0.29% of total area of ​​the Republic of Indonesia. Bali Province is administratively divided into 9 districts / cities, 55 districts and 701 villages / wards.

With a population of 3.89 million million in 2010, the people of Bali is a Hindu majority. A total of 93.18% of the people embracing Hinduism Bali, while the rest embraced Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism.


Foreign tourists can visit Bali using the direct flight from the country and landed at Ngurah Rai International Airport.
Air transport
• Many direct flights from Europe, America, Australia and most Asian countries.
• Domestic flights to and from major cities in Indonesia landed at one of the busiest airport in Indonesia.
Water transportation
• The ferry to or from Java and Lombok is open every day voyage. Gili Manuk port liaison Bali to Java. While the port of Padang Bai and Benoa harbor connecting Bali to Lombok.
Land transportation
• By car or bus from Java or Lombok after crossing by ferry.

Although there are no artifacts or a note stating that Bali has been around since the stone age, it is estimated that the first people to stay in Bali emigrated from China in 2500 BC who later develop the culture of the Bronze Age around 300 BC. This culture also includes irrigation systems and rice fields are still used today.

History of Bali is still unclear in the early centuries, although many Hindu artifacts that have been found to lead to the first century. In 500 AD is known that the first religion in Bali is Buddhist. In addition, Yi-Tsing a Chinese scholar who visited Bali in 670 AD says that he has seen the development of Buddhism in Bali.

The 11th century, Hindu and Javanese influence is very strong in Bali. Even when Prince Airlangga father died in 1011 AD, he moved to East Java Bali unite people under one authority and lifted his sister, Child Wungsu become ruler of Bali. Javanese called Kawi specifically used this nobility is one among the many customs and habits of Java used in Bali.

When Airlangga died in the mid 11th century, Bali remains an autonomous region until 1284 AD, when the King of East Java Bali Kertanegara conquered and ruled Bali from Java. Kertanegara killed in 1292 AD and Bali once again independent until 1343 AD when re-conquered Gajah Mada of Majapahit Kingdom.

The 16th century, Islam spread throughout the island of Sumatra and Java, while the Majapahit Empire began to collapse, causing the mass displacement of nobility, clergy, artists, and artisans from Java to Bali. However, it then makes Bali prosper and enter a golden century of culture for the following centuries. Bali then mastered Lombok and some areas in East Java.
In 1597, Dutch sailors became European Mining, ayang come to Bali even though initially they had no interest until the 1800s. In 1846, the Dutch again tried to colonize Bali because it has mastered all parts of Indonesia since the 1700s. Netherlands then sent troops to the region of North Bali and in 1894 they besekutu the Sasak people of Lombok to beat Bali. In 1911 the Dutch finally managed to master Bali.

After World War I, a sense of nationalism Indonesian society began to grow, and then deliver the declaration of Indonesian into a national language in 1928. When World War II, Japan defeated the Netherlands then occupied Indonesia from 1942 to 1945. Then Japan lost the war and the Netherlands seeks to return take over Bali and Indonesia. 1945 Indonesia succeeded mendaklarasikan independence by the first president Ir. Sukarno. The Dutch government finally bestow power and the Republic of Indonesia officially recognized as an independent country in 1949.

Other foods such as Indonesia, the main food in Bali is rice served with small portions, spicy vegetables and seasonings that taste sharp, as well as fish or meat and almost always served with sambal. Bali is one of the few areas in Indonesia that non-Muslim population, therefore pork roll into a special meal. There are also ducks betutu manner typical cooking.
In the Jimbaran area you can eat seafood while sitting on the beach. Visit it at night with a cool atmosphere and the breeze will make your dinner unforgettable.

Bali's reputation as a famous tourist destination has been ingrained in the minds of many people around the world. Bali is known as a beautiful island with mountains, temples, royal and terraced rice fields.

Bali is also known as a place where the arts and cultural traditions are very prominent as well as rural atmosphere and life of Hindus become strong guidance in daily life.

Bali is a delightful marine tourism ranging from modern sports such as diving, sailing, rafting and surfing can be enjoyed by thousands of tourists every year. This is where you can enjoy a luxurious life from food to spa and massage the peak of perfection for your tour experience.

Sumber : Indonesian Travel

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